Laughter. That's what we remember from this show. There comes a point in every band's evolution where there is going to be a mistake or two and the ability to laugh about it and go on is what keeps you grounded and enables you to keep going. Kind of like when you're running on ice and fall down, you have to hop right back up and keep running like nobody noticed (except the garbage man who still can't stop laughing...hmm you know this is a real story now). Anyway, to get to the point, we had so much fun playing at The Willow Inn on this Saturday night that there is nothing in the world that would have stopped us. There is always something wonderfully strange and surprising that keeps you going at The Willow. There was a guy in a werewolf suit. There were great friends and family who kept us company the whole night. There was somebody playing Solitaire. There was a dancing guy in a jogging suit. There was the exciting announcement of Doug 's engagement. Congratulations! There was Angel at the bar pouring drinks and being so nice to us. There was an unseasonable 60-degree breeze rolling off the bay, melting all the snow right between Christmas and New Year's. There was Chris in a too-sparkly shirt and there was Doug and Phil and Dana and Chuck playing their asses off. There was an anonymous person who left us a $60 tip! THANK YOU!! And there was laughing and saying Merry Christmas and feeling alright and man, we can't wait to do this all again.