At the ripe young age of 12 years old, my Dad bought me the first guitar of my long association with them. I was crazy about the Beatles, Stones, and all that rock-and-roll stuff going on at the time. I would sit and listen to my brother and sisters albums and 45’s for hours and try to figure out what was going on.
I was fortunate to have a neighbor that played, and soon I became a pain in his ass trying to get all of the knowledge I could out of him. The bug had bitten me hard by this time and there was no stopping me. When I had learned just enough to get a band together, off we went, really bad as it was, we still had a blast and were the talk of the neighborhood.
The more I played, the more friends, musician friends, I got to know. I was in the right place at the right time when some really good musicians asked me to be in one of their bands. That band was called J. Rabbit and was very successful around town for about three years. I was fortunate enough to be in the presence of the best guitarist in town during that time. I learned tons of style and control from my friend and mentor. I owe him plenty for the patience he had with the likes of me. All the while I was doing all this learning, listening to people like Johnny Winter, Alvin Lee, Rory Gallagher, Richie Blackmore and the list could go on and on.
After the Rabbit thing split, I played with many very talented local musicians in many local bands. All the while listening and learning more and more. If you stop learning, you're doing something wrong. Fortunately, some of those local bands were again with my mentor and good friend, who will remain anonymous, he knows who he is, as well as anyone who knows me well.
I took some time away from playing to raise a family and now I’m back at it with a vengeance, playing currently with a Dance/Party Band and also just enlisted with The Chris McKain Band. I’m thoroughly enjoying what's happening with this new project and can’t wait to explore all the possibilities there are with this venture. There's a deep pool of talent in this band and now we can dive in and pull all the stops out. Looking forward to a great time, with a great bunch of players. Rock On !!